Date Posted: 16th December 2016

Thank you so much everyone for such a quick and intelligent response to my mystery flowers. They are Chincherinchee or Star of Bethlehem (proper name is Ornithogalum thyrsoides ) They are known also as a florists nightmare as they last a very long time as we have discovered. They are still cheerfully flowering as they work their way to the top. It is now 6 weeks since I bought them but I cant find any more  which is a shame. Maybe they have been boycotted by florists.  I have now ordered bulbs but growing them will be a challenge in Cumbria as they like lots of sun and no frost at all.

So all that remains is for Michael, me and the elves (who are still very busy despatching your book orders - keep 'em coming there's still time) to wish you a very happy christmas break. May we all gather the strength to face up to the challenges 2017 will bring in this increasingly crazy world we inhabit. 

May 2017 bring you peace, happiness and joy.


Cheerful Percy Kelly Christmas cards from us to you attached. (Don't forget the PK  Retrospective at Tullie House Carlisle 23rd September 2017 - 28th January 2018.)